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                                                                                                  Implementation of E-Sales Transaction Solutions


UAB "LTM Garments" is executing a project under the progress measure "Encourage companies to digitize," aimed at creating and deploying an e-sales transaction solution. This solution is designed for customers to place orders, access information on order execution progress, and settle payments for completed orders.

The project will contribute to the digitization of the company's operations and increase its competitiveness. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.


Project Name: Implementation of E-Sales Transaction Solutions at UAB "LTM Garments"

Project Implementer: UAB "LTM Garments"

Project Start Date: 2024-03-26

Project End Date: 2025-05-23

Total Project Budget: EUR 46,138.40, of which the European Union funded part is EUR 23,069.20.



Ltm Garments is currently implementing the project “Increase of sales in export markets” which is partly financed from the EU Structural Funds.

The aim of the project is to represent our production in eight international exhibitions in France, Germany and Italy and gain valuable contacts that should become profitable orders in the upcoming years and hopefully increasing our future export plan.

The project is being funded by European Regional Development Fund. 
